check this thing on?

Today marks the day that I'm going 'live' with my blog, and the day I'm accepting my vulnerability around sharing it.

My initial intention was to keep it to myself until I understood the shape I wanted it to take (recipes or a journal, or some sort of combination of both). I also wanted to experiment with what and how frequently I wanted to post – what felt important and what I wanted to share – and why? I knew that at some point, I would ask myself whether I was ready to share with the world, and that the answer would be yes.

I began to realize that what I was posting about or how frequently I wanted to post didn't really matter; rather, the most important piece was sitting with my expectations around sharing, and what expectations are attached to my ego. Am I ready for people to see my unfiltered light? The light I’ve worked hard at filtering for so many years? And this piece has recently become really amazingly clear: in sharing with a few special people over the past week, I’ve witnessed myself do it completely without expectation of approval or disapproval. I've shared merely from a place of excitement, hope, love, and sharing. It’s one of the first times I’ve embraced and accepted my vulnerability in this way: sharing my blog means I’m shining my unfiltered light – which is both beautiful, and terrifying. I know that it’s my dharma to reach people far and wide in a profound way. It’s about accessing and connecting to that knowing, and I’m realizing that this is still a process.

So today I asked, and the answer is yes. I'm ready.


it's pumpkin season!

Anyone who knows me, knows that I l-o-v-e pumpkin. Everything pumpkin: soup, muffins, lattes, even pumpkin beer. And most especially, pumpkin pie. I enjoyed my first piece last night at Aphrodite's, and it left me wanting more! So tonight, I made a delicious chilled vegan pumpkin pudding. Here's the recipe:

Dump 2 cups of full fat coconut milk and 1 and 1/2 cups of canned pumpkin (I used organic and BPA free coconut milk and pumpkin) in your blender, and add a generous amount of cinnamon, and dashes of nutmeg and cardamom. Add a teaspoon of vanilla and a tablespoon of maple sugar. Puree until silky smooth. I tasted at this point and added more of all three spices. Then divide into four ramekins and put them in the freezer for an hour. I dare you to abstain from tasting every 10 minutes!  I sprinkled some cinnamon on mine before I dove in. They're ramekin lickin' good!

A helpful tip is to leave your coconut milk in the fridge for a day or so, so the cream all rises to the top. This helps to make a silkier texture. I think next time I'll add some five spice and some crushed clove, as well as dress them up with some crumbled gingersnap cookies - maybe a lovely layered parfait?

happy treating,